Saturday, November 26, 2011

2011-11-26 鄭發超校長的家人

2011-11-22 Antonio Trink 寫》
The principal 鄭發超 of 西貢廣肇學校 was my 六公 after I verified with my mom at the pre-Thanksgiving dinner tonight.  His father and my grandfather were blooded brothers.
I was told by my mom that the wife of 鄭發超 is still living in Canada.  I am just curious if you have any information about her.

 2011-11-23 黃偉強寫》
至於鄭校長的家庭,我不大了解,不過我有個同班同學叫“鄭立成”,據我知道,他是鄭校長的親戚。那麼立成可能就是你的堂兄弟吧?他現在在越南,上個月我們還在Skype上通話。他的電話是+84 XXXXXXXXX(家),+84 XXXXXXXXXX(手機)。他的近照在廣肇網站可看到,Posting 2011-10-13 20屆畢業班照片(第二行,#10);2011-09-12 生活照。

2011-11-25 Antonio Trink 寫》
Thanks for your email.  I do recognize my cousin 鄭立成.  We used to call him “立叔“
I showed my mom the video in YouTube.  She did recognize him.  Do you have his Skype name”“My name is 鄭國基.  I am now living in San Francisco.  My home phone is (415) XXX-XXX and work number (415) XXX-XXX.  My fathers name is “鄭萬成” and 三伯父 “鄭志成”.  If you refer those to him,  I am pretty sure he would remember.  We still have quite a few relatives relating to him in San Jose and Sunnyvale areas in Northern California.

 2011-11-25 晚黃偉強與鄭國基通電話:
  • 寒暄細說舊話
  • 鄭立成沒有用Skype,國基同學會用電話跟他聯絡
  • 鄭立成和鄭國基能重逢佳大歡喜


  1. 可見同學會的珍貴作用.多得各同學的無私奉獻.

  2. Antonio Trink ,
    I know the principle son & wife are living in Australia. My classmate is principle's son wife. If you want more info please contact me at

  3. I am looking for Lai Thanh long, my classmae in Khai Minh school between 1972 to 1975. If anyone know where his about please email me at thanks.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
